MagMod Pre-production Review

commentator: ED We received these pre-production MagMod to test out... it was great timing too because we had several shoots that equated over 21 hours worth of shooting within 2 days. We got to know the ins-and-outs of these new light modifiers. To begin, I just wasted to say that we've handled a lot of modifiers specifically tailoring to SPEEDLIGHTS (speedlites). Some are great and work well... some, just don't work at all. This particular modifier does what it is intended to do and it does it well.

Now let me explain that this isn't a new softbox where it'll give you soft lighting... instead it gives you the freedom to create a snoot with a very specific angles of light in a fraction of a second. Remember, some photos that looks awesome isn't all about light but rather where it isn't.

The MagMod is truly simplistic... silicon rubber material and magnets. That's it. The part that "installs" on your flash head stretches and makes a very tight fitting once on. Installing it is rather scary at first because I didn't know how to properly put on the rubber on the head... yeah, yeah... all sex jokes aside, it did fit well and made me rather confident that this won't be coming off the flash anytime soon. It's SUPER SNUG. You can see in the picture below how much it actually stretches...

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The MagMod that we received had 2 grids that can easily be installed via magnets. It's literally as easy as placing a magnet on a fridge. One grid creates a nice looking looking beam and adding the second snoot creates an even tighter beam. Place the grid over the head and it'll automatically snap itself into position. Placing the 2nd snoot grid on top of the 1st snoot grid and again, snap into position. Magnets are great.

Now the one thing that concerned me before I even snap a single photo was the thought of my radio reception being affected. I was concerned that my radio triggers would be less effective due to these high-powered magnets. So far, we've seen no difference in our radio trigger performance.

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