commentator: ed
what do you get when everything seems to just go right? you get traci and matt's wedding. the guest and bridal party were awesome, the weather was great, the ambiance of the location was just very welcoming. it made my job really easy to do. congrats traci and matt!!!
//ed pingol
contact me =)

traci, you're SO awesome... =)
a funny moment...
matt drives a heavily modified 4x4.
"muddy" is a very fitting nickname that was given to him.
that is one of many custom engraved pocket knife given as a gift
for his groomsmen. AWESOME!!!
creative portrait of the groom
the cake was breathtakingly beautiful
there were SO many details... I LOVED IT!!!
speeches and toast aka roast at times!!!
first dance as hubby and wife
bride and groom with loved ones
..and now, it's time to PARTAY!!!