commentator: ed
i have the best job in the world! as much as i love photography, what i love even more are our clients. =) marion contacted us to photograph marion's family and reflect the recent changes in their family. this session included the new addition of scott, marion's husband, as they're recent newlyweds whose gorgeous wedding we photographed last october. and with the youngest daughter graduating from middle school, the family wanted to be able to capture morgan before she begins high school life this fall.
congrats on your upcoming promotion, morgan! looking forward to chronicling more of the upcoming events in your lives, marion & scott, and the entire gutierrez fam!
//ed pingol contact me =)
one of the three daughters, margaret, and her man, jeffrey
still so in love, the newlyweds: marion & scott
more like their sister but truly their mom
morgan, the youngest of the three
she'll be graduating from middle school very soon!
the goofy family...
and their more serious side
thanks to alan, for assisting the pingol clan. =)