angie & roy's engagement session - the presidio | crissy field - san franciso, california

commentator: ed

i spent a lovely sunday afternoon with the awesome angie & roy at the presidio for a great engagement session. i first met this adorable couple at marion & scott's wedding last fall where roy was cuttin' up the dance floor with his slick moves. he definitely stole the show! and this time, he let his beautiful bride-to-be become the focal attention during the photo session. =)

angie was such a trooper and kindly did what i asked without a complaint, as she is still recovering for a recent surgery. i really commend you, angie! woot woot!!! throughout the session roy himself was the helpful and supportive partner. what more could you ask for?

congratulations on your engagement, angie & roy! i'm so excited about your upcoming wedding this october.

//ed pingol contact me =)

beautiful lines

the palace of fine arts, in the background

spring love

enjoying a beautiful day outside



silhouette sunflare

a gorgeous couple and gorgeous view

the goofballs behind the camera! special thanks to alan ilusorio who is a talented designer and photographer -