jennie & ryan's engagement session - murrieta's well - livermore, california

commentator: ed

for jennie and ryan's e-session, we went to murrieta's well where we were given free reign everywhere and anywhere in and around the winery - talk about AWESOME!!! this couple totally rocked their e-session by simply just letting go and being themselves during the shoot. we shot, we laughed and simply just had a great time. another plus was "bunny" who's nickname was given by me totally by accident because i'm an idiot. =) she was there to be our personal make-up artist keeping my couple looking HAWT throughout the session. =) larry and jon came out to help assist the pingol clan. thanks guys!!!

//ed pingol
contact me =)

also, don't forget to vote for us in kcra 3's a-list "photographer of the year" contest. you can do so by clicking on the following link or the image below:
the contest runs through april 18th, 2009.

muchas gracias!