commentator: monica
in celebration of their parents' wedding anniversary, sisters carmelyn, charmaine, and chrystle wanted to honor larry & christine with a family photo session. lucky for karm, she was the winning bid of the auction we had donated to in support of solano community college. (we love paying it forward. =) we had originally scheduled the family photo session for earlier in the year, however, after one of the sis' (not naming any names!) got into a little broken-bone experience during a snowboarding trip, we had to reschedule to a later date when the sisters would be able to return home once again from workcollege.
we had such a great time with this beautiful family at the state capitol in sacramento. the sky was just gorgeous and fortunately, this was just before the hazy effects of the widespread fires.
thanks for spending the afternoon with us, larry, christine, carmelyn, charmaine, and chrystle! this was great practice for karm's wedding!
//ed pingol
dad and mom and the kids in the back
goofy sisters
strollin' through the park
individual images
if you want to see individual images of this session, simply click here!