Ed pingol photography is a happy accident. We began as a husband-and-wife team consisting of myself & Monica and have grown to a cooperative of several very talented photographers.

we love being silly and getting to know our clients, honestly portraying who and how they really are in photographs. though we love goofing around and being stupid, when it comes to getting some kick-butt images, we REALLY don’t mess around. we’ve earned several awards, received accolades, and have even taught thousands of professional photographers on a national stage how to use their cameras and flashes… but don’t take our word for it! explore the site and check out the images yourself. =)

feel free to check out our facebook page and MY personal instagram page to get to know us better.

a little more about us: we love sushi like a lot… i can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! we adore lola, our weiner dog, and we are head over heels in love with our daughters ellie and maia. 

a few more facts:

  • i love sushi… yeah, i know i already said that, but come on… it’s delicious

  • my toes are like fingers… TMI? it’s like i have a built in tripod. i’m super stable!

  • i’m appropriately inappropriate. it’s how i get to know people really fast.

//ed pingol
contact me =)